Spotlight on Dietitian Speaker Jennifer Neily

Spotlight on Dietitian Speaker Jennifer Neily

Dietitian Speaker Jennifer NeilyLike Madonna and Elvis, this famed dietitian speaker needs only one name: Neily. During their internship at Texas Woman’s University, with several Jennifers in the class, our own Jessica Setnick started using last names. For Jennifer Neily, it became her calling card. Read on as she tells her story to

DS: Your catchy titles are fabulous! My favorite is Supplement Sense…or Nonsense: The Truth About the Pills People are Popping.” How did you develop your Unique Speaking Platform?

Neily: My USP evolved over the years along with my private practice and coaching business. I’ve honed it to the point where I can sum it up in one sentence: My focus is to help women make peace with food and their body.

DS: Ah, the coveted elevator speech! Well done. Could you sum up your best speaking advice in one sentence, too?

Neily: Stories, stories, stories.

DS: I know I said one sentence, but now I’m intrigued. Say more about stories.

Dietitian Speaker Jennifer Neily stands poised and ready to answer a listener question.

Neily: People may not remember the facts, but they’ll remember the story illustrating the facts. Have you noticed some of the best presenters do NOT use PowerPoint? Look at all the TED talks. And speaking of TED talks – none are longer than 18 minutes.

Sometimes I hear a presenter at a conference drone on and on for over an hour on what could be said in 20 minutes and be much more impactful! Jess made a great point in A Dietitian’s Speaking Guide about the days of yesteryear when presenters had to cram lots of info onto their slides due to cost. Why are people still doing it? Unfortunately I think it’s indicative of the health field. If a presenter says, “You might not be able to read this slide,” then why is she using it?

DS: Wow, great points. I love how fiery you get when talking about speaking! What else stands out in your mind when you think about your speaking career?

Neily: I think lots of speakers hone in on that memorable awful eval that easily blows away the hundreds of good ones. I know Jess talks about one that she remembers word for word. I have a favorite one like that, too.  “Your presentation is like being hit by a tidal wave. No build up. Your voice inflections at times were similar to a 19-year old sorority pledge and it was annoying as sin and undercuts credibility.The funny thing about the evaluation is that he recommended a place for me to speak! Go figure!

Dietitian Speaker Jennifer Neily stands ready to present in front of a screen that reads Brain Training for a Better Life.DS: First of all, kudos to the writer for originality. That is certainly memorable. It takes confidence to put that behind you. Have you always been so confident as a speaker?

Neily: No and I’m still not, especially when it comes to charging. That’s one reason I love A Dietitian’s Speaking Guide so much. Jessica provides the verbiage I have trouble coming up with. I’m more confident having a template of what to say. It’s a challenge because the women’s groups that are my target market may not be able to pay a fee, or only a small fee. Since many of my clients have come from these speaking engagements, I still say yes, and then I make sure that I do as much as I can to connect with those future clients in the audience. At the end of my talk I tell them I’ll exchange a handout I’ve created for them in return for their evaluation of my talk. I include questions that help me spot those who will be a good fit for my coaching services.

DS: So even if you’re not getting paid by the organization, you still make it work. That’s the Dietitian Speaker way!
Looking to get in contact with Neily? Visit her website Neily on Nutrition.
And for more of her nutrition knowledge, follow Neily on Instagram @neilyonnutrition, Facebook @NeilyonNutrition, Youtube @NeilyonNutrition, Pinterest @NeilyonNutrition, LinkedIn @JenniferNeily, and Twitter @JenniferNeily.

Have you heard Neily speak? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Spotlight on Dietitian Speaker Jennifer Neily

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