Something to Toast About: Spotlight on Dietitian Speaker Ginger Hultin
Ginger Hultin pours her many interests into a full-bodied blend of Dietitian Speaker, writer and future sommelier. Read on to hear what she spilled in a conversation with DietitianSpeakingGuide.
DSG: You have expertise in several different areas. How does that play out in your speaking career?
GH: It’s a combination of what I know best, what I’m passionate about, and what I know my audience wants to learn. Lately that includes some nutrition education, like vegetarian and plant-based diets, nutrigenomics and nutrition related to cancer, plus some professional development topics, like how to get more active on social media.
DSG: Is there anything that makes or breaks a presentation for you?
GH: I think that timing is absolutely key. If a presenter keeps saying, “I’m going to skip this” or “I’m going to go fast now because I’m running out of time” it minimizes their talk. Speaking well is all about being prepared and being confident. Own your material and your stage.
DSG: That’s a mic drop quote right there! Jessica’s going to flip when she reads this; she’s OBSESSED with speakers ending on time.
Have you always been confident as a speaker?
GH: I definitely love public speaking, but I remember being very nervous before the first few talks I gave. The only way to get more comfortable is to practice. I’m happy to say now that I don’t get nervous at all – I just have excited energy.
DSG: How else has your speaking evolved over time?
GH: I learn SO much every time I speak. I ask for feedback and I read my evaluations. I suggest speakers take each opportunity to learn and improve their skills. Feedback is a gift and you can always gain more skills to make you a better speaker. The life lesson is to embrace the dynamic challenges that speaking offers and learn and grow from each experience – the positive and the challenges. Something that’s helped is remembering to remain flexible.
DSG: Yes. This is another thing Jessica will totally agree with – the importance of remaining flexible so you can handle unexpected glitches. Have you ever had a speaking situation you couldn’t have predicted that you had to manage on the fly?
GH: Recently, an organization had asked me to send them my presentation in advance but it wasn’t loaded correctly at the event. I thought I was going to start hyperventilating! With minutes to go before the start time, we got it going correctly.
DSG: Crisis averted! Tell us the other side of the coin – something that makes the stressful moments worthwhile.
GH: I just love getting feedback from my audience. This just came in via email and it makes everything worth it to hear this kind of message: “Thank you so much for your talk. It was truly one of the best sessions I went to both in content, expertise, and speaker presence.”
DSG: What a great combination of compliments. Cheers to fabulous evaluations!
Have you heard Ginger Hultin speak? Share in the comments below.
Planning an event and want to hire Ginger? Contact her through her website,
Connect with Ginger on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest @champagnenutrition, on Twitter @GingerHultinRD, and on LinkedIn @GingerHultin.